$27.00 USD

Holiday Nutrition & Fitness Hacks Masterclass

Ready to feel your best? In this 1-hour masterclass you'll learn how to:

  • Get crystal clear on your goals, whether you want to maintain or progress your fitness, weight loss or running goals this holiday season.
  • Learn expert tips of what to do when surrounded by social events, cookies, alcohol & leftovers.
  • Learn hacks to prevent overeating & cravings yet still enjoy foods you love.
  • Exact steps & best practices to put excess calories to good use & prevent them from causing fatigue & weight gain.

Science-based strategies empower you to stay on track regardless of what comes your way & enjoy yourself WITHOUT guilt or weight gain!

What you get:

  • 30-day access to the recording & materials
  • A tool to strategize, specific to YOUR goals & life
  • A full guide, sharing all strategies discussed so you always have a go-to reference!
  • Email access to our expert coaches for questions & clarifying what you learn