$47.00 USD

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Maximize Your Gut Health

Get ready to learn:

  • optimize gut health & ditch bloating with a simple science-backed food first approach
  • real client success stories & HOW we did it!
  • lessons learned addressing candida & H. pylori
  • root causes of gut symptoms stemming from our nutrition, lifestyle, health history, exercise choices, stress, etc.
  • why supporting gut health is essential for our energy, mental health, fitness, hormone balance, optimizing body composition, running strong, fat loss & more
  • tests, whole foods & supplements that work + the science why others are a waste of money
  • why probiotics are not a best approach & optimal choices if you do use them
  • why elimination diets & sensitivity tests are outdated science & more harmful than good
  • how to avoid integrative health practice scams
  • a clinically proven protocol to restore your gut & how to know when you need it
  • the gut's connection to allergies, autoimmune conditions, bone & muscle loss, skin problems, stuck weight, gaining fat, performance decline, poor sleep, inflammation, worsening perimenopause symptoms & more!

What's Included:

  • 30 day access to a 70-minute video training
  • A detailed hyperlinked PDF covering what you learn so you don't have to take notes or search to find our recommendations :)
  • Portable audio for listening on the go
  • Supplement discounts

Here's What Others Have to Say:

SO informative! I love the blending of holistic & sports nutrition, integrative, functional & traditional medicine approaches. Thank you!

This workshop was comprehensive with a very easy to follow format. I learned a lot to help myself & my son!

I'm blown away! It all made so much sense. After applying what I learned my energy increased, weird nerve issues went away, I no longer have allergies & I lost weight!

I had no idea improving my gut health could help me lose 25 pounds, get rid of brain fog, improve running & help me go off medication. I'm SO grateful for this workshop!