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We can't wait to empower you to unlock your best with a hell of a lot less stress!


Meet Louise, Founder


My Story: I firmly believe you are fully capable of working with your fierce female body to unlock your best DESPITE the world telling us we "can't" overcome women's health concerns & that aging inevitably will be the death of our health, fitness, physique & running. Here's why:

Growing up I was always sick, anxious, told I was destined for disease due to my family history & not "built" to be a runner. Thus, I dedicated my life & 12 years in college to studying physiology, fitness, human performance, nutrition, women's health & integrative wellness to do something about it!

Unfortunately, my body lacked estrogen since my youth. I tried all the "right" strategies I learned in my masters work, research fellowships & when working in pro sports. I looked like I was crushing it as I did amazing things like winning awards for my innovation in women's health, earned over 15 advanced credentials across fields, worked with my female body to get pregnant despite poor odds, safely ran 74 half marathons while pregnant & even pulled the classic runnermom move of pumping breast milk at start line of the Boston Marathon.

However, my body was talking to me & it was time to listen!

Reality was, I was a high-stress Army wife trying to do it all & trying to do it perfectly. I was STILL struggling with brain fog, anxiety, bloating & fatigue that never went away. At age 33, after fiercely advocating for myself in our broken healthcare system, I was diagnosed with early menopause, stomach precancer, Osteoporosis, gut infections, hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease & more!

I was told there was nothing I could do but HRT, meds & $1,000s in lab work & supplements, so I took a step back & asked, "WHY is my female body was fighting me?" It was like no doctor or my expert fitness & integrative health peers had EVER stopped to ask this fundamental question!

As an industry leader in women's health, holistic wellness & human performance science, why couldn't I help myself?! I realized the best practices I was applying to support my health, fitness & running were NEVER designed specific to how our female body ACTUALLY works! In fact, when I examined root cause mechanisms in my own female body, nearly ALL of my cutting-edge wellness habits, fitness, nutrition, diet & running strategies were draining my hormones, gut health, metabolism & energy, making things worse. So, I designed my own methods to turn my breakdowns into breakthroughs.

I shocked my doctors as I reversed my health with a simple & low stress whole food, holistic lifestyle & exercise approach that SUPPORTED my female body instead of working against it! It wasn't that complicated when I knew how to work with my body's needs, as I didn't need a crazy diet, endless supplements or meds. I simply kept my nutrition, running & lifting specific to protect my hormones & not drain them.

I restored my hormones, metabolism, gut health & energy, unlocking the vibrant, healthy & happy woman I was always meant to be despite my obstacles! I then shocked myself as these methods were also the key to unlocking my best fitness, as I finally started to look lean & fit, ditch stuck body fat, gain strength, rebuild my bones, ditch injuries & improved running to the point of qualifying for a competitive team! Our female body is simply amazing & I know yours is too!

Today, our methods combine the best emerging female 35+ specific science & my biggest lessons learned, fully customized to what works best for YOUR body, goals & life!

Yes, you can ditch hormone havoc, optimize vibrant well-being in perimenopause & unlock your best health, energy & fit functional high-performing body without wasting the time, energy & money it took me to figure it all out!  

With awards like #1 Health Educator in the U.S. for innovation in improving women's health outcomes, #1 health & fitness expert in the world by American College of Sports Medicine for our results here at Breaking Through Wellness, a top 100 U.S. small business, etc., we now provide dedicated women like you the transformative experience you deserve.

After reading my story, I think you see why my coaches & I will fiercely have your back. You do not deserve to feel, look, perform or run like crap & you deserve the fundamental right of knowing simple science-based ways to work with your female body & not against it!

If it means the world to you to confidently know how to age vibrantly well, be fit, energized & strong for life WITHOUT overcomplicating it, I can't wait to show you the way!

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Meet Coach Amy 


My Story: Despite my integrative health, fitness & personal training certifications, I felt stuck not really looking the part of a health & fitness practitioner. I also realized being so busy, I was living to support others more than myself. 

If you feel stuck & like your body is fighting you despite your best efforts, I've been there. Symptoms like feeling sluggish, like I wanted to murder someone every time my cycle came & my go-to workouts & nutrition no longer producing results drove me nuts! It felt like these changes happened overnight, which was also shocking when I worked so hard to feel fit & strong.

I felt stuck with old injuries despite years of PT & chiropractic, which was epically frustrating as I do love to run & stay active with my family. I didn't want to feel like I was breaking down in my 40s! I knew it was time to learn how my female body was changing & how to keep doing something about it simple. So, I took a leap & reached out to Louise for support.

Through consistent application of our program's strategies that were tailored to fit my busy schedule & body's individual needs, my results now reflect the hard work & dedication I put into my nutrition & fitness. My range of motion improved, I ditched my injuries & learned simple & sustainable ways to fuel best fitness results. I now get comments on my physique & most importantly, feel like my freaking self again! 

I still enjoy a good wine, love to have my splurge meals & live a go-go-go life, but now I have the strategies to work with my female body & not against it. I'm grateful for my experience in this program & can't wait to support your journey. 

If you too know you're done playing a guessing game with your changing body & ready to finally unlock your potential to maximize a vibrantly fit, well & beautiful life, let's go! 

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