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How I Unknowingly Screwed My Health Trying To Look & Run My Best + How You Can Avoid Doing The Same


The women I coach love when I openly share my mistakes as an example of what not to do. Today I'm a leading expert in empowering active women to work with their female body to mitigate hormone changes & maximize health, body composition & endurance performance. However, it's because I too have been wildly misled by poor health, fitness, nutrition & running information that works directly against our female physiology!

All women deserve to save the frustrations, time & money it took me to figure it all out!

In the spirit of sharing my mistakes as an example, in this video you'll learn:

  • How I screwed my own hormones & health as I unknowingly used common fitness & nutrition strategies counterproductive to our female body when trying to lean out & achieve running goals.
  • Common mistakes + how to fuel & train WITH your female physiology.
  • The stress-cortisol response & how fasted training & caffeine supplements impact it.
  • Science-based strategies to be a strong & fit runner or endurance athlete for life.

Don't forget to share this video with a friend who needs this information & subscribe to my newsletter tips below.

Wishing you an ease-filled journey applying this knowledge to age powerfully, strong, fit & well!

Other Resources to Support Your Success:

Join my weekly newsletter with simple science-based strategies & get our free nutrition guide to maximize your health, fitness or running despite changing hormones!